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【フリー経営シム】Simutransを語るスレ Part59

56 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2013/11/07(木) 19:59:02.68 ID:AcR5d0xN
Release of 112.3: (r6520 on 17-May-2013):
CHG: Removed the restriction of having border heights at water level. Forces a savegame version step, new maps can't be properly shown in previous versions.
CHG: Raise and Lower tools interact with the grid now, not with tiles.
ADD: (jk271/Dwachs) finance history distinguishes transport type
CHG: Added a new setting to simuconf.tab, background_color. Allows to change the color of the background.
ADD: Depature and arrival times can be shown in the halt dialoge
CHG: Updates to the in-game pointer mechanics, updates its position after using a tool, and hides when the pointer is outside the world.
ADD: (neroden) clustering of houses, set "cluster_factor" in cityrules.tab to about 10 times the typical distribution weight
ADD: Displaying the natural slope at the map border if requested (default on)

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