I really like [E]JRW125 939 I have found that there is picture and dat file in JRW125_128pak.zip I will add that train to 128x128 set immediately. (but it usually takes some weeks before new release of 128x128 comes to public)
It should be me, who should thank to "939" fo "JRW128" and "Kikin Sharyo" for "Shinkansen series0".
Many thanks! (please forward the message to authors)
I have attached color table for Simutrans. I have not found any on your website and I have seen that only some painters use special colors in their images. The palette is not very proffesional. It was done by very young Simutrans helper. But it contains all information.
Platform roofs -> increases max number of waiting passangers - Waiting room -> increases max number of waiting passangers - Hotel - Storage building - Shopping malls - Parking lot - Central bus station
>>513 おー、本当ですねぇ。よかったら今度メール送る時、 That is a great pleasure and suprised. 8-) Your act will give pleasure to a lot of users. Thank you very much. と伝えてくれますか?
>>481 こんなコメントを本家のフォーラムで見つけたよ。 napik氏が言うには65MB以上のメモリさえあれば 今とほとんど同じスペックでも大丈夫らしい。 128x128 Set will not kill your coputer! It demnds only more RAM. Basically the set requires about 65MB of ram for iamges, so It is not possible to run it on 64MB RAM computers (very badly). Other requirements are unchanged. (Althougfh you might wish to paly in bigger window than 64x64 version)