3-Oct-2005 (prissi) FIX: removed some out of bounds arry_tpl's access. FIX: error with deleting the last objects from a tile (errors in dingliste_t) FIX: traffic light graphics were wrongly ordered FIX: no longer burying ship depots under sea mountains CHANGE: ausflugsziele now weighted array (weighted_vector_tpl) -> faster selection of passengers CHANGE: cities now weighted array (weighted_vector_tpl) -> faster selection of passengers, more travellers to bigger cities CHANGE: intercity travellers will now also go back (=> more traffic from larger cities) CHANGE: goods will be now distributed to the stop which is a) not overflowing and b) has less in storage (so you can "steal" from another company) CHANGE: travellers destination cities are now weighted by their size FIX: minimap redrawing when changing grid ('#') fixed FIX: numbers in depot correctly updated FIX: no more crashes with pillars FIX: also when building stop after a schedule is set, this schedule will be recognized