FIX: no power generation in foreign languages fixed FIX: after assigning the same line twice, convoi did not move anymore FIX: may be fixed problem in industry chain building FIX: current entry not changed when appending to a schedule FIX: vehicle will only load people up to the next time it reaches a stop CHANGE: CNTRL+roadbuilder will replace also fast by slower road FIX: first use of 's' for roadbuilding -> crashed program FIX: setting new schedule could crash on fast computers or long lines due to recursive calling ADD: two new settings to "only_single_info" and "window_buttons_right" CHANGE: configure, that always a single window opens up CHANGE: for you arabic and hebrew writers and all brainwashed by B. Gates: close button configurable to the right (goes best with Win98 skin ... ) ADD: timeline, starting year and cheating mode can be set in the starting menue (and will be fixed further one, allowing for competitions) ADD: new edit tool to protect a map from further change CHANGE: new spanish, portugese and dutch translation for 64 set CHANGE: further reordering of deletion order ... FIX: if factories were connected via station areas, goods disappeared ...
修正:>>225 FIX: after assigning the same line twice, convoi did not move anymore FIX: may be fixed problem in industry chain building FIX: current entry not changed when appending to a schedule 修正:>>104 変更:Ctrl+道路敷設を使うと、高速の道を低速の道に置き換えられる 修正:道路敷設の際、最初にSキーを使うとクラッシュしていた?? 修正:スケジュールの設定を高速なPCで行うと、クラッシュもしくは無限ループ(?)していた 追加にonly_single_info・window_buttons_rightの2つを追加 変更:設定で(地面クリック時)常時一つの窓のみ開くように(only_single_info=1) 変更:アラビア人ヘブライ人製作者と、ゲイシに洗脳された全ての人に捧ぐ??? :閉じるボタンを右側に設定できるように(Win98のテーマと合う)(window_buttons_right=1) 追加:開始年とチートモード(プレイヤーチェンジ)をスタートメニューで設定可能に(さらに競争(?)を考慮して修正するつもり) 追加:edit tool(Player0)にprotect a map(Lock game)を追加 変更:pak64用の、新しいスペイン語・ポルトガル語・オランダ語翻訳 変更:さらに削除の順番を再び並び替えます??(経路設定時のこと??) 修正:産業が駅内を経由してくっついてる場合に品物が消えていた