03-Nov-2006: (prissi) FIX: city creation on new map fixed (actually rectified deletion) FIX: tunnel can now properly handle all way types FIX: cost of tunnel construction FIX: left and right position of buttons (you may skin round buttons now ... ) FIX: translation now shows the correct signal type in info window FIX: button will update thier translation every time a dialog is opened FIX 'convoi passed last\nmonth %i\n' '\nRibi (masked)' '\nRibi (unmasked)' 'km/h\n' translatable ADD: (kierongreen) underground mode (toggle with 'U') You can built depots and station, interrupt tunnels in the middle but not much more ADD: preliminary underground construction routines (user the tunnel icon in underground mode; must start on a tunnel!) ADD: elevated support for nearly all waytypes (but not tested) FIX: stations on slope got wrong height offsets CHANGE: maxspeed/friction calculation is now only done when entering a tile => 16x less function calls