15-Nov-2006: (prissi) FIX: in depot: articulated engines will be only bought forward respective backward from the current position on FIX: bridge/tunnel construction/deletion fixed FIX: retire messages for planes FIX: way maintainace was screwed up FIX: depots had not maintainance after reload FIX: button offsets
なんかmakeobjのmergeコマンドがうまく使えないんだけど。 makeobj merge merged.pak ./ を実行すると1kbしかないpakが生成される。中身何もなし。 作業ディレクトリには確かにpakがあるんだけど。 エラーログはコレが出るだけ。 WARNING: file or dir ./ not found バグかな?
90.00 > CHANGE: citycars lifetime now in ms > => they will be more controllable, since generation is also linear with time (変更: Citycarの寿命設定を(秒単位から)㍉秒単位にした)