If you want, I can create an addons-account for the japanese community on the addons site. Adding things there as easy as writing a weblog. I would be more than happy to have Japanese addons on the addon site.
これはちょっと違うよ。 著作権保持者は、Hajo氏と開発チーム。で著作権の及ぶ範囲を "Simutrans or any parts of it "と本体と全ての付属物としている。 pakデータも含まれるわけで、職人さんは著作権本体ではなく周辺著作権を持つことになる。 そして著作物の取り扱いについて"You may make as many copies as you like. You may distribute the copies for free, but you may not charge for them." と記している。つまり製作者側も無料であれば、自由にコピーと配布をしてもいいことを守らないといけないわけ。 例えばwikiからaddonを落としておもしろアドオン集みたいなサイトを別人が作ったとしてもYou may distribute the copies for freeとある以上 文句は言えないよ。せいぜい、マナーとしてひとこと連絡くださいねとお願いをするくらいのこと。
>149 開発チームと同じ著作権を保持したとしても、 結局開発側として下記の呪文を唱えないといけないんですよ。 You may make as many copies as you like. You may distribute the copies for free, but you may not charge for them.
>>169 もう少し詳しく原文のありかを示してくれると助かります。 ドイツの公式サイトの文 Simutrans is developed by me (Hansjorg Malthaner) in my free time as a non-commercial project. There are no warranties. You can get it free of charge from my download page. You may make as many copies as you like. You may distribute the copies for free, but you may not charge for them.
prissi氏の返答 普通は組み込んで欲しくない人はそう言います。 しかし、大体の人はむしろ組み込んでもらう事を希望します。 Since this concern only me and Napik at the moment: I only use add-on I have the source and I feel that they are missing. I want to avoid growing the 64 set too large with too many meaningless engines. この文はいまいち理解できないですけど、アドオンを本体に組み込む理由かな? 私はソースを持っているアドオン、また、無いのを惜しむアドオン(何で今までこんなすばらしい物が無かったんだ、と思うような?)だけを使います。 無意味なエンジンで64セットが大きくなりすぎるのを避けたいと思います。 (ソースコードが肥大化するのを避けるために外部からpakを組み込んでるって事?)
>>228 "Submitters also implicitly allow their submitted materials to be included in the main simutrans game." は、提供者は、提供したマテリアルがsimutransの本体に含まれることを暗黙の内に了解することとなります。 でしょ。雰囲気がどうこうじゃなくて、pakを公開した人は特別に明言しなければ 個別に断り無く本体に加えて配布しますよ、ってことじゃないの?
>226 I only use add-on I have the source (ぜひ使ってと言われて入手した、改変できる)『ソース』形態のアドオンだけ使います。 and I feel that they are missing. they→著作権を主張するアドオン はいらないよ I want to avoid growing the 64 set too large with too many meaningless engines. 意味の無いエンジン→日本語サイトのアドオン 意味の無いエンジンで64版を大きくしたくはない。→日本語サイトは使わない
>>232も誤訳といわざるを得ない。 I only use add-on I have the source 私はソースつきのアドオンをのみ使う and I feel that they are missing. わたしはそれらが無い事を惜しむ(つまり今まで無かった事を悔やむようなアドオンを使う) I want to avoid growing the 64 set too large with too many meaningless engines. 意味の無いエンジンで64版を大きくしたくはない。(つまり、今まで無かった事を悔やむようなすばらしいアドオンのみに厳選して採用する) (意味の無いエンジン=日本語サイトのアドオンというのはどこから?)
the dev team can include any add-on posted here into the main game without asking, unless explicitly stated otherwise. if you do not want your addon to be in the main game, just say so. The license forbid *commercial* use and copy. For private use, there are no explicit restrictions. This means that the normal laws applied i.e. the intellectual properties laws of germany and the WTO (I guess).
ごめんなさい。焦ってます。正しい英文はこちら。 the copyright of an addons always stays with the creator. It makes no difference whether it is added to the game or not. the dev team can include any add-on posted here into the main game without asking, unless explicitly stated otherwise. if you do not want your addon to be in the main game, just say so. The license forbid *commercial* use and copy. For private use, there are no explicit restrictions. This means that the normal laws applied i.e. the intellectual properties laws of germany and the WTO (I guess).
今forumを見てきたんだけど、 > Isaac.Eiland-Hall Japanese Pak location changing... on: February 28, 2006, 02:01:38 PM Due to the decision to host the Japanese Simutrans community, and Prissi's grace in allowing the subdomain "japanese.simutrans.com" to be redelegated to the Japanese community, I have decided to create a new subdomain structure...
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4-Mai-2006: (prissi) FIX: recompiled with hopefully corrected files => bridges/marker correctly, line number ok again FIX: ownership of public owned road is taken when using trams FIX: last line in schedules selectable again CHANGE: slope now part of ground structure => less errors with monorail over houses CHANGE: gui-components and dialogs mostly seperated, losts of code cleanup
Release of 88.09.2
1-Mai-2006: (prissi) FIX: houses in cities on slopes again FIX: can again delete last town too FIX: translator automatically adds "\n" to stations => simutrans will remove this FIX: road under tramway works now as well ADD: scrollbars to save/load dialogs FIX: next month starting date could have been wrongly calculated FIX: age of old vehicles again calculated correctly FIX: depots have again an owner FIX: only clearing trees when building ways, stations and depots will remain (no planes etc. any more) FIX: block cleared correctly, when entering or leaving a depot FIX: no more building factories with distribution_weight=0 FIX: station bar indicator only at stop basis position FIX: bridges in miniwindow CHANGE: internally now allows cover tiles CHANGE: made redraw faster, but set refresh again to 1 for smoother movements. Use -refresh=2 for old speed FIX: engines shorter than 8 units stopped too early in a station => station tile indicator was wrong FIX: convoi mini world view scroll more smooth and displays planes correctly FIX: passengers from/to monuments after reloading FIX: one month too many after reloading FIX: player colors for AI changable CHANGE: option window renovated (mostly internally, make much more consistent with current windowing system)
88.09.5 9-Mai-2006: (prissi) CHANGE: obsolete entry "2LIGHT_CHOOSE" FIX: translator looked word up twice (eating lots of performance with man dialogs open) FIX: line assingment during reloading fixed FIX: depot is updated once before showing it FIX: station ground name was copied on itself FIX: workaround for Linux 4.0.3 compiler bug (will use the C-routines for image display instead of assembler) FIX: several issues with unassigned values and fixed using valgrind