↓ここにも書いてあるし ttp://forum.simutrans.com/index.php/topic,996.msg7181.html#msg7181 - *transfer depends on number of stops on the way* ttp://forum.simutrans.com/index.php/topic,3401.msg25022.html#msg25022 - connection weighted by their intermediate stops => A* for goods routing
connection weighted by their intermediate stops => A* for goods routing が here it comesっていう事は、これからやるでしょう。て事かな。 このルーティングって、列車のルーティングの事じゃないよね? あれはもう実装し終わってたはず。 だとすると、客のルーティングだろうか。 しかし、Aスターとなるとその処理負荷はとんでもない事に。
21-Oct-2006: (prissi) FIX: unreservation of tracks failed fatally if there was no ground connected to the next tile FIX: factory with there 0,0 on slopes did not recognized their position (not found by other factories, no production) CHANGE: if a city could not built a road at a certain slope, it built a house instead. FIX: button definitions for skins were ignored FIX: demo savegame loading at startup fixed CHANGE: same further optimisations of certain routines ADD: attribute for the help texts CHANGE: first delete station, then caternary
03-Nov-2006: (prissi) FIX: city creation on new map fixed (actually rectified deletion) FIX: tunnel can now properly handle all way types FIX: cost of tunnel construction FIX: left and right position of buttons (you may skin round buttons now ... ) FIX: translation now shows the correct signal type in info window FIX: button will update thier translation every time a dialog is opened FIX 'convoi passed last\nmonth %i\n' '\nRibi (masked)' '\nRibi (unmasked)' 'km/h\n' translatable ADD: (kierongreen) underground mode (toggle with 'U') You can built depots and station, interrupt tunnels in the middle but not much more ADD: preliminary underground construction routines (user the tunnel icon in underground mode; must start on a tunnel!) ADD: elevated support for nearly all waytypes (but not tested) FIX: stations on slope got wrong height offsets CHANGE: maxspeed/friction calculation is now only done when entering a tile => 16x less function calls
07-Nov-2006: (prissi) FIX: elevated construction could only connect via straight connections FIX: tunnel rails were upraded to even higher speeds than allowed FIX: no more accidental connection between bridges/tunnels FIX: no more upgrading track on bridges or in tunnels FIX: way search for ways below monorail fixed CHANGE: unified construction of rail, monorails, maglev, channels, airstrips by baue_schiene() FIX: position now nearly always centered for all zoom levels and pak sizes FIX: scrolling with right mouse button for all pak sizes FIX: rectangle in minimap now shows the real screen size (these three were in for ages ... ) CHANGE: (tron) assembler corrections, code cleanup, reader definition more C++ style CHANGE: tunnel code changed (might not load 99.03 savegames!) CHANGE: 6 byte less for planquadrat_t (i.e. per tile, although GCC gives us only four of them) CHANGE: 8 byte less for grund_t => 14 bytes less per tile (12 with GCC) => map requires ~ 15-25% less memory CHANGE: rewrote dingliste: alsways well defined position, about 10-20% faster insert of vehicles CHANGE: articulated vehicles are now always bought together, if there is only a single choice
15-Nov-2006: (prissi) FIX: in depot: articulated engines will be only bought forward respective backward from the current position on FIX: bridge/tunnel construction/deletion fixed FIX: retire messages for planes FIX: way maintainace was screwed up FIX: depots had not maintainance after reload FIX: button offsets
なんかmakeobjのmergeコマンドがうまく使えないんだけど。 makeobj merge merged.pak ./ を実行すると1kbしかないpakが生成される。中身何もなし。 作業ディレクトリには確かにpakがあるんだけど。 エラーログはコレが出るだけ。 WARNING: file or dir ./ not found バグかな?
90.00 > CHANGE: citycars lifetime now in ms > => they will be more controllable, since generation is also linear with time (変更: Citycarの寿命設定を(秒単位から)_秒単位にした)
○以前 - ブロック(走行距離)単位 > roughly 2500 is one year デフォルトはcitycar_life=35000 → 約14年
○現在 - ミリ秒(経過時間)単位 > the value is in ms game time, with bits_per_month=18, one year=(2^18)*12^=3,145,728 pak64(99.04)のデフォルトはbits_par_month=20、citycar_life=35000000 → 約2.5年 pak128(1.3.6a)のデフォルトはbits_par_month=19、citycar_life=35000 → 2時間弱w
20-Nov-2006: (prissi) FIX: images inside tunnel FIX: buying airplanes again FIX: minimap remembers size again FIX: old errors with too short vehicles CHANGE(tron): lots of cleaning up of data structures and doubtful code FIX: makeobj broken at several places, not really finished with fixing CHANGE: the same building must not be next to each other => nicer endgame towns FIX: AI no longer using elevated track or tramways as rails FIX: info window title for ways fixed
03-Dec-2006: FIX: always ensure tile is empty before applying slopes (avoids wrong positions) FIX: deletion of thing not on the map FIX: buying cars with different precessor/following numbers FIX: elevated tracks not shown FIX: waypoints for planes CHANGE: 4 bytes less per planquadrat, 4 less per ground (now down to 32 bytes per tile without objects from previous 48) CHANGE: koord3d is now only with 1 per height step => much less hassle with heights and again bytes saved CHANGE: squeezed another four bytes from tree structure => now only 20 bytes per tree => 16 MB less on 2048*2048 maps CHANGE: got rid of ding_t::step() => large maps should now be as fast as slow maps with the same factory, citycar and city count CHANGE: objects now take care of their image themselves => another four bytes off from ding_t (smaller is not possible, imho) FIX: larger than 1x1 building on slopes CHANGE: game will continue even while dragging (still little buggy) CHANGE: cityrules allow now up to 7x7; more fine control about the res/ind/com clustering too (see cityconf.tab) CHANGE: option to not showing vehicles which are not matching current action ('Show all' and 'Show also vehicles that do not match for current action.' strings added) CHANGE: zoom in and out 'map zoom' in the small map only with a control, more user friendly buttom positions 'Show legend', 'Show map scale', 'Show industry' ADD: auto-centering on minimap ADD: 45 rotated minimap 'isometric map' ADD: tunnel entrace only built with control key CHANGE: corner heights only bytes instead of long => less data to handle during savegames FIX: track remover for tunnel and monorails fixed FIX: building trough depots FIX: retire/intro messages for ways ('way %s now available:\n' and 'way %s cannot longer used:\n') ADD: winter ways form kierongreen