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【フリー経営シム】Simutransを語るスレ Part54

133 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/06/11(月) 16:02:30.30 ID:fOTA9tXG
Release of 111.3 (r5772 on 10-Jun-2012):
FIX: race condition with multithreads on GDI
CHG: savegames will be saved as "_temp.sve" and only renamed after after success to the final name
ADD: screen redraw will be now up to 50% faster when needed thanks to multi-threading
ADD: hashtables for animations and smoke => much faster adding/removing
ADD: (from yorkeiser/prissi) line display in minimap (toggle with show schedule together with pax, mail, freight button) CONTRL will use player colors
CNG: Order and function of many minimap buttons rearranged
ADD: enable dragging of lower & raise tools in network mode
ADD: enable dragging of bridge, tunnel, elevated way tools in network mode
ADD: zoomlevel in minimap from -16 to 16
ADD: Start paksetdownloaded, when started without paksets
FIX: (z9999+) Corrected speedbonus base faktor calculations
FIX: (z9999+) Nickname in chat also send to server for reloads
FIX: (installer/pakset updater) better finding out if portable installation is needed
ADD: change of waiting at stops option in minimap
CHG: Withdraw all will not disassemble convois in depots for easier upgrading
FIX: route search for runways with oneway signs was broken
FIX: main menu was not updated when new modes of transport became available
ADD: (kierongreen) powerline tunnels: allow_undergroud_transformers=1 (default) will allow transformers below ground
FIX: deleting tunnel ground was booked twice
FIX: deleting tunnel ground charged for way on tunnel, which is not charged when building
CHG: Only founding a city when account is positive
CHG: powerlines will connect in directions a powerline can be build on a tile
ADD: threaded (but with graphic errors) tile redraw will by used automatically when fps too low

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