>>49 Recentry, THAT SITE is unstable intermittently. So the site will be avilable sooner or later. Prease wait & re-access the site a week or less later.
CHG: loading screen reworked graphically and in functionality. Lowers the chance the OS will identify Simutrans as “not responding” when loading large files/paks.
http://forum.simutrans.com/index.php?topic=11546.0 japanese.simutrans.com - the japanese community is seeking someone who can move the site over. If they cannot find anyone, we will try to do it - but the language problem is even worse when trying to move a website with a database... especially since japanese is written in kanji instead of the latin alphabet! 日本のコミュニティはサイトを移動できる人を探している。もし見つからなければ、私達がそれをすることもできる。 -しかしウェブサイトとデータベースを移動するときに言語の問題が発生する。なぜなら日本人はアルファベットの代わりに漢字を使うから。
>If you are the web site owner, it is possible you have reached this page because: > > The IP address has changed. > There has been a server misconfiguration. > The site may have been moved to a different server. > >If you are the owner of this website and were not expecting to see this page, please contact your hosting provider. 繋がらない
Release of 112.2: (r6390 on 17-Mar-2013): ADD: maximum radius of factories of a chain configurable CHG: use more colors to show height levels in minimap CHG: loading screen reworked graphically and in functionality. Lowers the chance the OS will identify Simutrans as "not responding" when loading large files/paks. CHG: lots of extensions of scenarios