公式の0.82.4リリースノートより > The 0.82.3exp has been quite buggy, > so a new bugfix version is needed urgently. バグが多かったので修正版を緊急で出したそうです
333 :名無しさんの野望:03/07/28 01:49 ID:j3Q9YPzP
一応アップ。 artificial slopes ってのがよくわかんないんだけど。
This are the release notes for Simutrans version 0.82.4exp ========================================================== Changes since the release of 0.82.3exp: ---------------------------------------- The 0.82.3exp has been quite buggy, so a new bugfix version is needed urgently. Unfortunatley I already had started working on new features when the first bug reports came in. Thus this is not really a bugfix release. It includes fixes for the most serious bugs that came up during testing the 0.82.3exp but also a new feature of unknown impact to stability. This new feature is the ability to raise and lower land, not as known by creating hills and depression, but by creating artificial, wall supported, slopes. This feature is still in development. It isn't finished but since the bugs of the 0.82.3exo have been so pressing, I release this version with the half-done artficial slopes. If you don't use them, it should be fairly safe to play. But the feature required changes of the world data structures and I'm a little bit afraid something could have been broken during that changes. Besides the artificial slopes the passenger statistics for stations and the tooltips for the tool selection windows seem to be worth being mentioned. The latter should help particularly the newby players. The heightfield loading is fixed in so far as the filenames are concerned but it doesn't work well wit the artificial slopes. There are support walls shown on places where no walls shoudl be if you loas a heightmap. Thus I can only discourage to use heightmaps with Simutrans 0.82.4exp
334 :名無しさんの野望:03/07/28 01:49 ID:j3Q9YPzP
Chronological list of changes since the release of 0.82.3exp -------------------------------------------------------------
27-Jul-03 NEW: UI button class got a tooltip feature. Added tooltips to some buttons that didn't have a meaningful label
NEW: Passenger statistics for stations (happy, unhappy, no route found). Newly created passengers become unhappy if their chosen starting station has more than 64 passengers per segment already waiting there. Unhappy passengers will not use your transport service. "No route" in this case means that a passenger came to the station, couldn't find a route to his desired destination and went home.
Included updated czech translation by Fast Ikarus Included updated polish translation by Lukasz Remis Included Tomas Kubes' monument
26-Jul-03 FIX: Fixed a crash if the height of a schedule entry (waypoint) was changed and the schedule window was opened after the height change
FIX: Using the emergency button to remove vehicles now resets the rail block counters if the vehicle was a train