Simutrans development has not real end; but I would like what you, the user think of this game.
In the moment simutrans allows you to built your world, like a virtual railway. If you do just the virtual rialway stuff, then of course graphcis is the most urgent improment area ...
You can also play against the masses appearing at the stations or against the AI. In both cases you will fast earn more money than you can spend. So you are lacking the challenge. A better AI, network play, or campains are needed.
You can also sit and watch the world evolve with the AI and just help it here and there. A scriptable AI may your most urgent need.
However, I would like to know about the improvements your the player want most. If you do not see them in this poll, write them down.
PLEASE: Not details stuff. Fill an extension request for those.
1-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: changed all income calculation to 64 bit => hopefully no overuns any more FIX: wayfinder check now for artificial slopes and starting tile CHANGE: cost of land changes more balanced, tunnels more expensive CHANGE: nicer indicator in lower line FIX: 8 bit SDL works again fine
31-Dec-2005(prissi): CHANGE: makeobj reconizes now all waytypes in all relevant objects FIX: way finder now takes care of powerlines when building bridges FIX: now slopes are correctly checked before built => more slopes possible FIX: selling airplanes do not delete a depot
29-Dec-2005 (prissi): FIX: deleting order change => no crashes when quitting a game with vehicles in depot that are assigned to a line CHANGE: ways now take care of their images themselves also for crossings CHANGE: new slope calculation working (needs new graphics)
28-Dec-2005 (prissi): CHANGE: way image is now calculated by the way, not by the ground => 4 Byte less per tile CHANGE: correct calculation of offset for double height slope building foundations
27-Dec-2005 (prissi): CHANGE: more flexible bridge search in wegebauer CHANGE: using existing bridges/tunnels when calculating new ways ADD: estimates cost for construction before building ADD: show difference to start location when building ways CHANGE: more prominent waiting display in the schedule window
8-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: error with slopes mostly fixed => you can even built a channel using slopes FIX: monorails now display again correctly FIX: no rails at tunnel start FIX: station alignment on bridge start fixed FIX: no automatic bridges and tunnels any more => no crashes for public road and other ocasions
>>836 ↓読むと修正されそうだね。 --- ttp://,1337.msg10167.html#msg10167 The support for below land construction will be gone. To many errors connected with that. --- けど、いわゆる海底トンネルも、わざとバグをつぶさずに残した ものじゃなかったかな?