1-Jan-2006(prissi): FIX: changed all income calculation to 64 bit => hopefully no overuns any more FIX: wayfinder check now for artificial slopes and starting tile CHANGE: cost of land changes more balanced, tunnels more expensive CHANGE: nicer indicator in lower line FIX: 8 bit SDL works again fine
31-Dec-2005(prissi): CHANGE: makeobj reconizes now all waytypes in all relevant objects FIX: way finder now takes care of powerlines when building bridges FIX: now slopes are correctly checked before built => more slopes possible FIX: selling airplanes do not delete a depot
29-Dec-2005 (prissi): FIX: deleting order change => no crashes when quitting a game with vehicles in depot that are assigned to a line CHANGE: ways now take care of their images themselves also for crossings CHANGE: new slope calculation working (needs new graphics)
28-Dec-2005 (prissi): CHANGE: way image is now calculated by the way, not by the ground => 4 Byte less per tile CHANGE: correct calculation of offset for double height slope building foundations
27-Dec-2005 (prissi): CHANGE: more flexible bridge search in wegebauer CHANGE: using existing bridges/tunnels when calculating new ways ADD: estimates cost for construction before building ADD: show difference to start location when building ways CHANGE: more prominent waiting display in the schedule window