2-Sep-2006: (prissi if not noted otherwise) FIX: clipping error at outmost right row for bitmaps FIX: forgot stop choose after closing schedule after line change FIX: force beginner/normal mode after loading ADD: (kierongreen) additionally freight image for vehicles (syntax 'freigthimage[no][direction]=' with the good definition in 'freightimagetype[no]=') FIX: more error check to makeobj pak for vehicles (wrong numbers etc.) FIX: missing cstring_t initialisation in slist_tpl; since cstring_t only used in translator.cc and searchfolder.cc, these two converted to slist_tpl<const char *> ADD: color codes for lists of lines and convois (minus: red, not moving: yellow, obsolete: blue, no vehicles: white) FIX: slow building of ways with log of ~ding() error messages ADD: extract command for makeobj (also got rid of the need for ./ for defining the main file in most positions) FIX: restoring old signals was badly broken => many convois were stuck FIX: (tron) many errors fixed, working inline assembler for GCC 4.0, imported all old versions into SVN CHANGE: citycars lifetime now in ms => they will be more controllable, since generation is also linear with time (also cleanup of pedestrian code) FIX: overheadwires could be now replaced by a faster type, player was not check during destruction FIX: signals were always built without owner => everybody could destroy them FIX: problem with depots not found: saving and loading should solve this, no longer deleting other poepls depots