Simutrans is very much evaluated, and it appreciates it in Japan Then, it is being discussed from the point of view to improve this more. So, I want to propose some argument here.
-The algorithm of the passenger's course choice When there are many courses, passengers are probably deciding a course as follows.
1.They priority to the little course of the transport capacity. 2.They gives priority to the course which the transfer number of times is small in. 3.They give priority to a bus.
But, the following ill effect arises by these.
1.They try to transfer in the station which an opportunity of taking is rare in. 2.They come back to the station at the back unnecessarily, and try to get it on. 3.They don't have the general idea of the distance, and it goes for the unnecessary trip. 4.Unnecessary congestion occurs because the amount of transport of the bus is small and moreover they are concentrated on that.
Therefore, I ask a solution as follows.
1.They give priority to the big course of the transport capacity. 2.They give priority to a distance, and a transfer adds a fixed distance. They choose trains more than buses. If it says more, the one that top speed is fast is chosen.
But, this is only one example, and there may be a possibly better thing in it. I hope. Argument is deepened more, a better algorithm system is completed.
たとえば >They try to transfer in the station which an opportunity of taking is rare in. ->They try to transfer at a station where the frequency of services is low. くらいに書かんとなあ。
>>757 マジレスすると、原文は > To attract more tourists %s(町名) built %s(建物名) with the aid of %i(人口) tax payers. だから、 より多くの乗降客を誘発させるために、%s町は%sを%i人の市民の援助により作りました。 とかのほうがいいのかもな。 向こうでは言語によって全然意味が違うのものも多いみたいだから、もっと意訳でもいいかもしれん。 つーか>745のSimuTranslatorの件を皆で や ら な い か