FIX: no power generation in foreign languages fixed FIX: after assigning the same line twice, convoi did not move anymore FIX: may be fixed problem in industry chain building FIX: current entry not changed when appending to a schedule FIX: vehicle will only load people up to the next time it reaches a stop CHANGE: CNTRL+roadbuilder will replace also fast by slower road FIX: first use of 's' for roadbuilding -> crashed program FIX: setting new schedule could crash on fast computers or long lines due to recursive calling ADD: two new settings to "only_single_info" and "window_buttons_right" CHANGE: configure, that always a single window opens up CHANGE: for you arabic and hebrew writers and all brainwashed by B. Gates: close button configurable to the right (goes best with Win98 skin ... ) ADD: timeline, starting year and cheating mode can be set in the starting menue (and will be fixed further one, allowing for competitions) ADD: new edit tool to protect a map from further change CHANGE: new spanish, portugese and dutch translation for 64 set CHANGE: further reordering of deletion order ... FIX: if factories were connected via station areas, goods disappeared ...
修正:>>225 FIX: after assigning the same line twice, convoi did not move anymore FIX: may be fixed problem in industry chain building FIX: current entry not changed when appending to a schedule 修正:>>104 変更:Ctrl+道路敷設を使うと、高速の道を低速の道に置き換えられる 修正:道路敷設の際、最初にSキーを使うとクラッシュしていた?? 修正:スケジュールの設定を高速なPCで行うと、クラッシュもしくは無限ループ(?)していた 追加にonly_single_info・window_buttons_rightの2つを追加 変更:設定で(地面クリック時)常時一つの窓のみ開くように(only_single_info=1) 変更:アラビア人ヘブライ人製作者と、ゲイシに洗脳された全ての人に捧ぐ??? :閉じるボタンを右側に設定できるように(Win98のテーマと合う)(window_buttons_right=1) 追加:開始年とチートモード(プレイヤーチェンジ)をスタートメニューで設定可能に(さらに競争(?)を考慮して修正するつもり) 追加:edit tool(Player0)にprotect a map(Lock game)を追加 変更:pak64用の、新しいスペイン語・ポルトガル語・オランダ語翻訳 変更:さらに削除の順番を再び並び替えます??(経路設定時のこと??) 修正:産業が駅内を経由してくっついてる場合に品物が消えていた
86.10.5 CHANGE: train can drive now on any track (also on public owned roadcrossings ...) ADD: public stops for player 1 can be now constructed everywhere. New tiles of this stop will be also public.
>>410 To attract more tourists\n%s built\na %s\nwith the aid of\n%i tax payers. より多くの観光客を%s町に呼び込むため、%i人の市民の援助により「%s」を作りました。 %s\nnow operates\n%i trucks between\n%s at (%i,%i)\nand %s at (%i,%i). %sは現在、%台のトラックで%s町(%i,%i)と%s町(%i,%i)の間を運行しています。 ↓ To attract more tourists\n%s built\na %s\nwith the aid of\n%i tax payers. より多くの観光客を%s町に呼び込むため、「%s」を作りました。(%i人の市民援助) %s\nnow operates\n%i trucks between\n%s at (%i,%i)\nand %s at (%i,%i). %sは現在、%i台のトラックで%s町(%i,%i)と%s町(%i,%i)の間を運行しています。
Simutrans is very much evaluated, and it appreciates it in Japan Then, it is being discussed from the point of view to improve this more. So, I want to propose some argument here.
-The algorithm of the passenger's course choice When there are many courses, passengers are probably deciding a course as follows.
1.They priority to the little course of the transport capacity. 2.They gives priority to the course which the transfer number of times is small in. 3.They give priority to a bus.
But, the following ill effect arises by these.
1.They try to transfer in the station which an opportunity of taking is rare in. 2.They come back to the station at the back unnecessarily, and try to get it on. 3.They don't have the general idea of the distance, and it goes for the unnecessary trip. 4.Unnecessary congestion occurs because the amount of transport of the bus is small and moreover they are concentrated on that.
Therefore, I ask a solution as follows.
1.They give priority to the big course of the transport capacity. 2.They give priority to a distance, and a transfer adds a fixed distance. They choose trains more than buses. If it says more, the one that top speed is fast is chosen.
But, this is only one example, and there may be a possibly better thing in it. I hope. Argument is deepened more, a better algorithm system is completed.
たとえば >They try to transfer in the station which an opportunity of taking is rare in. ->They try to transfer at a station where the frequency of services is low. くらいに書かんとなあ。
>>757 マジレスすると、原文は > To attract more tourists %s(町名) built %s(建物名) with the aid of %i(人口) tax payers. だから、 より多くの乗降客を誘発させるために、%s町は%sを%i人の市民の援助により作りました。 とかのほうがいいのかもな。 向こうでは言語によって全然意味が違うのものも多いみたいだから、もっと意訳でもいいかもしれん。 つーか>745のSimuTranslatorの件を皆で や ら な い か
Here they produce matches. The story of spruce trees ends here; they grow in the forest for years, are chopped down and finally turn into tiny pieces of wood.